Chapter 17
~ Katniss' left ear is damaged. When she places her hand on her left ear she notices the blood. The explosion caused her to have a bloody ear. Her ear is not only bloody, but she also can't hear from that ear. She is frightened to think that she has gone death with her left ear. She says that as a hunter she depends on her ears.
2. Why does Katniss leave the rendezvous point?
~ Rue is entangled in a net. Then she reaches out for Katniss and she says her name. right when she says her name, a spear enters her body. I this point I bet Katniss is shocked. She probably is filling up with all kinds of different emotions.
Important Quotes
~"She just has time to reach her hand through the mesh and say my name before the spear enters her body." (232)~"So, now they know. The bomber survived. In the seal's light, I can see Cato and the girl from District 2 put on there night-vision glasses." (225)~"Let the seventy-fourth Hunger Games begin, Cato, I think. Let them begin for real." (226)~"After about a minute, the ground stops vibrating. I roll to my side and allow myself a moment of satisfaction at the sight of the smoldering wreckage that was recently the pyramid." (222)
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